
Improves daily weight gains, enhances meat quality, strengthens native immunity ! Growfeed

Proven effects

  • Enhances meat quality and shortens the time-to-market of broilers.
  • Has no adverse effects even when used in combination with other drugs or raw materials.
  • Decreases the rate of broken eggs and improves the egg freshness.
  • Prevents the soft excretion and diarrhea which are the primary causes of chick mortality.
  • Strengthens native immunity and addresses problems caused by antibiotics abuse.

Recommended product

Growfeed E-Tox, Toxin binder

  • Dosage : Add 0.1 ~ 0.3% of Growfeed E-Tox to formula feed

Growfeed Well Farm, Natural mineral

  • Dosage : Add 0.1 ~ 0.3% of Growfeed Well Farm to formula feed